
Updates from your Principal: Mr. Darin Johnson

Parking Lot at Dismissal; Music Contest

March 26, 2025 
Good morning, parents!
* The high school has altered some student parking to assist with visibility and student safety. This includes many more students parking in the front lot of the high school. At dismissal, there will be more congestion with vehicles and pedestrians. Our goal is to keep buses moving along, so please yield to those as you are exiting the parking area. Patience is key as this change takes place. 
* The Platteview Central music contest is this Friday. Once again, feel free to attend, but please be early for each performance to ensure you’re able to enter. The doors will be shut at performance time with no entry permitted. 

8:40 AM – 6th Grade Band (auditorium)
9:30 AM – Community Choir (band room)
10:00 AM – 7th/8th Grade Band (auditorium)
11:15 AM – 7th/8th Grade Choir (band room)
1:30 PM – Jazz Band (band room)
Have a great day!

-Mr. Johnson

*See email for any original attachments. 

Track Schedule; Concert and Contest

March 24, 2025 
* The track schedule is now available. Coaches will communicate any details necessary before next Monday’s first practice (March 31; immediately following school). 
* Tomorrow night, our choir and band will be in concert at 7 PM in the PHS auditorium. Regular junior high admission is taken with activity passes accepted. 
* On Friday, our music department will host the Platteview Central music contest at PHS during school hours. You are welcome to attend, but must be on time (actually early) in order to watch the performance. 
8:40 AM – 6th Grade Band (auditorium)
9:30 AM – Community Choir (band room)
10:00 AM – 7th/8th Grade Band (auditorium)
11:15 AM – 7th/8th Grade Choir (band room)
1:30 PM – Jazz Band (band room)
Have a great week!

-Mr. Johnson

*See email for any original attachments. 

Spring Break; Concert; Wrestling

March 13, 2025

*Spring break is next week (March 17-21). There will be NO SCHOOL. Classes will resume on Monday, March 24, at 9:10 AM.
* Our spring music concert is coming up. On Tuesday, March 25, the PC choir and band will perform on stage at 7 PM in the PHS auditorium. Regular admission will be charged with activity passes being accepted. 
*The wrestling season ended yesterday at Nebraska City. Our team placed 3rd out of 10 teams.
*The end-of-season wrestling pizza party has been moved to Tuesday, March 25. Uniforms must be returned to participate.
Have a wonderful day and enjoy this spring-like weather.

-Mr. Johnson

*See email for any original attachments. 

Track; TBC Quiz Bowl; Registration; Wrestling

March 10, 2025

* Track practice will begin on Monday, March 31, immediately following school. Coaches will communicate more expectations soon. The full invite/meet schedule will be shared this week.
* Our Quiz Bowl team will compete tomorrow in the Trailblazer Conference championship at Wahoo.
* 7th Grade Parents –> 8th Grade registration sheets are due to Mrs. Svoboda tomorrow. If you have not completed or sent your signed purple registration sheet, please do so ASAP. 
* Congratulations to the wrestlers who earned recognition at the Trailblazer Conference meet on Saturday at Ralston. Our wrestlers finish the season tomorrow at Nebraska City. The season-ending pizza party will be this Friday. Uniforms are needed in order to participate.

-Mr. Johnson

*See email for any original attachments. 

Registration Info; Softball Clinic Info

February 21, 2025

Hi parents and happy Friday!

* With the recent snow and cold days, Mrs. Svoboda has decided to push back the 9th grade registration deadline to Wednesday, February 26th. This gives everyone an opportunity to ask any questions prior to turning in registration sheets. Please make sure all yellow registration sheets are signed and returned by the 26th or sooner!
* If you have interest in youth softball clinic information, check out the attached flier. 
Have a great weekend.

-Mr. Johnson

*See email for any original attachments. 

9th Registration; Wrestling; BBall & Pizza; OPAA!

February 19, 2025

Good afternoon, parents!

* With the recent snow (and cold) days, Mrs. Svoboda has decided to push back the 9th grade registration deadline to Wednesday, February 26th. This gives everyone an opportunity to ask questions prior to turning in registration sheets. Please make sure all yellow registration sheets are signed and returned by the 26th or sooner!

* Yesterday’s wrestling triangular at Beatrice was officially canceled. No make up date is workable for all three schools. The next event is the Weeping Water invite next Friday at 10 AM.

* The girls basketball teams will have their end-of-season pizza party on Friday. Uniforms and practice jerseys must be returned in order to participate.

* Our SPCS food service provider, OPAA!, is hiring a Kitchen Manager. Check out the attached flier if interested.

Have a great afternoon!

-Mr. Johnson

*See email for any original attachments. 

PT Conf; No School; BBall; Wrestling; Dance; Art Show

February 13, 2025

Hey parents and happy Thursday (Friday)!

* Thanks for your engagement with Parent Teacher Conferences. Yesterday’s snow day was untimely, but thanks for making it work. Good to see many of you today!

* There is NO SCHOOL tomorrow and Monday, as we take a quick Comp Day and celebrate Presidents Day. Classes resume on Tuesday at 8:10 AM.
* Our girls basketball teams will finish up the season on Tuesday at Louisville. There is a B game at 4:30, followed by the A game. The season officially ends next Friday with the season ending pizza party (uniform turned in). 
* Our wrestlers are off to the Beatrice Triangular on Tuesday (Ralston too). Start time is 4:00 PM.
* Calling all 8th graders! The PHS Dance Team is hosting tryouts for the 2025-26 season from March 10-14, 2025. If interested, join the lunchtime meeting in Mr. Soneson’s classroom on February 26. PARENTS –> there will be an informational meeting on Monday, March 3, at 6 PM in the PHS media center. If interested, use this link to receive a tryout packet by email:
* There is a district Art Show upcoming. Check out the flier!
Have a great weekend!

-Mr. Johnson

*See email for any original attachments.