Updates from your Principal: Mr. Darin Johnson
Parking Lot at Dismissal; Music Contest
-Mr. Johnson
*See email for any original attachments.
Track Schedule; Concert and Contest
-Mr. Johnson
*See email for any original attachments.
Spring Break; Concert; Wrestling
March 13, 2025
-Mr. Johnson
*See email for any original attachments.
Track; TBC Quiz Bowl; Registration; Wrestling
March 10, 2025
-Mr. Johnson
*See email for any original attachments.
Registration Info; Softball Clinic Info
February 21, 2025
Hi parents and happy Friday!
-Mr. Johnson
*See email for any original attachments.
9th Registration; Wrestling; BBall & Pizza; OPAA!
February 19, 2025
Good afternoon, parents!
* With the recent snow (and cold) days, Mrs. Svoboda has decided to push back the 9th grade registration deadline to Wednesday, February 26th. This gives everyone an opportunity to ask questions prior to turning in registration sheets. Please make sure all yellow registration sheets are signed and returned by the 26th or sooner!
* Yesterday’s wrestling triangular at Beatrice was officially canceled. No make up date is workable for all three schools. The next event is the Weeping Water invite next Friday at 10 AM.
* The girls basketball teams will have their end-of-season pizza party on Friday. Uniforms and practice jerseys must be returned in order to participate.
* Our SPCS food service provider, OPAA!, is hiring a Kitchen Manager. Check out the attached flier if interested.
Have a great afternoon!
-Mr. Johnson
*See email for any original attachments.
PT Conf; No School; BBall; Wrestling; Dance; Art Show
February 13, 2025
Hey parents and happy Thursday (Friday)!
* There is NO SCHOOL tomorrow and Monday, as we take a quick Comp Day and celebrate Presidents Day. Classes resume on Tuesday at 8:10 AM.
-Mr. Johnson
*See email for any original attachments.