
Platteview Central

Counselor's Corner

Welcome to the Platteview Central Junior High School Counseling page. School counselors focus on three main domains: academic, career/college, and social emotional. I work with students on an individual basis, in small groups, and in advisory periods within classrooms!

Reasons students might want to talk to the school counselor

“I had an argument with my friend, and she doesn’t want to be my friend anymore.”
“Some kids in my science class are talking about fighting after school.”
“My grandfather is really sick, and I’m scared he’s going to die.”
“We’re moving again!”
“My dad wants me to be an engineer like him, but I want to be a pilot.”
“I am concerned my friend is harming herself. What do I do?”

Reasons parents might want to talk to the school counselor

“This is John’s third school this year, and he’s having difficulty adjusting.”
“My husband is going to deploy in two weeks, and my daughter might need some help coping.”
“Sam used to be excited about school, but lately he doesn’t seem to care.”
“My wife and I recently separated, and our daughter could use some help understanding this.”
“My son seems to be the target of some teasing and bullying after school. Can you help?”

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